Description: Yellow, crystals, crystalline powder, waxy mass or oily material
Melting point: About 37°C
Color reaction: A blue color develops, and upon standing it changes from blue-purple to red-brown through red-purple
IR: Reference and sample spectra exhibit similar intensities of absorption at the same wave numbers
Heavy Metal: NMT 20ppm
Limit of Menadione: No purple or no blue color is produced
Cis Isomer(TLC): The spot corresponding to relative Rf value 1.1 regarding to the principal spot from the sample solution is not more intense than the spot from the standard
Other Related Substances: The total area of peaks other than the peak of menatetrenone from the sample solution is not larger than the peak area of menatetrenone from the standard
Water: NMT 0.5%
Residue on ignition: NMT 0.10%
Assay: 98.0 - 101.0%